Carlyn Bushman: Founder and CEO of Carlyn Bushman Consulting

Carlyn Bushman: Founder and CEO of Carlyn Bushman Consulting

This Sunday we are sharing Carlyn Bushman, founder and CEO of Carlyn Bushman Consulting and creator of POP Business Academy. Carlyn is a mom, wife, lifelong learner, former corporate executive, and small business owner. As a business consultant she’s committed to empowering female entrepreneurs to start and grow their own businesses. Caryln says she’s seriously passionate about her clients making money. 

This Sunday we are sharing Carlyn Bushman, founder and CEO of Carlyn Bushman Consulting and creator of POP Business Academy. Carlyn is a mom, wife, lifelong learner, former corporate executive, and small business owner.  As a business consultant she’s committed to empowering female entrepreneurs to start and grow their own businesses. Caryln says she’s seriously passionate about her clients making money.  She understands the complexities of starting and operating a business and has personally climbed the corporate ladder and launched several small businesses from the ground up. Through those experiences she’s honed her skills in marketing, management, technology, and business financials.  Now she is sharing this knowledge with other business women to create reliable and sustainable revenue streams.

Following her own philosophy Carlyn created a program to guide clients through the building and management fundamentals.  It’s called POP Academy. POP Academy is a masterclass tailored for female entrepreneurs seeking business growth, emphasizing the idea of progress over perfection. The curriculum mirrors a college class designed to instruct participants in all aspects of growing their businesses. Carlyn uses small groups to customize the program to individual businesses. Her next POP cohort begins April 3rd, with another following in the fall. To learn more about the program, click here.

Carlyn, it’s great to share how you’re using your successes, challenges and lessons learned in business to coach others. You have a unique ability to ask the hard questions and jointly work to find answers that produce results. You are a mentor and teacher, and your services have propelled so many clients to greater success.  For my friends and followers who own a business or are looking to start one I highly recommend Carlyn and the POP Academy.  

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